D’s Books: Used books and more

If you are looking for something to read on your visit to Phnom Penh, you can stop by D’s Books and check out their inventory. They offer used books that are in very good condition, and are at affordable prices, too.

D's Books

The Books

  • There is a wide array of books to choose from.
  • They offer several genres of books for all kinds of readers – and have children’s books, too.
  • The books, however, vary in newness. Some books are older than others, while there are also really new or fresh books.
  • There are also books in good condition, and some books that are well-worn.
  • There are even some gems (cool books) that are hard to find.
  • Some prices are a bit high for used books.
  • Some prices are just right!

D's Books 2

The Location and Ambiance

  • The place is a bit hard to find, as it is located behind a tree and between some other shops.
  • It is located in a place less frequented by people, although still accessible.
  • The shop itself is very nice and easy to navigate.
  • They have free coffee!
  • Unfortunately, not much sitting space near the books.

The Service

  • Not much can be said about the service.
  • Not a lot of staff walking about.
  • They do speak English.


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